Designline Updates

We would like to inform you regarding the current situation with our business & the COVID-19 pandemic. Please find below information provided for your reassurance and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. Our team at Designline would like send our thoughts to everyone affected by this difficult time.

Unfortunately our showroom & office is currently Closed due to the restrictions. We are hoping to open once restrictions are lifted and return to our regular trading hours of 9am-4pm Monday-Friday and 9am-3pm on Saturday. We will update when any changes occur. Please call ahead prior visiting our showroom.

Please remember to Check In using our QR Code when visiting our showroom. Whilst we have always maintained excellent hygiene standards in our showroom, we have increased our regular cleaning with hospital grade disinfectant after each showroom visit. Hand sanitiser is provided for all to use upon arrival/departure and social distancing plus mask wearing is being adhered to by our staff.


We are offering video design appointments. Contact us now to book an appointment!

To ensure the safety of our staff and clients, please inform us if you have recently travelled or are feeling unwell so we can postpone any appointments or other scheduled visits. During any appointments, we will strictly adhere to social distancing guidelines & mask wearing and ensure a high level of hygiene with our team using hand sanitiser diligently.

Take advantage of our promotions now with the flexibility to start your renovation later when you are ready. Contact us for more information!
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